Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Prepare Your Child For School Before Schooling

Child's learning process begins in the home under the love and care of his parents or close relatives. However, the home is not the only center for learning. For child-round mental and intellectual development, it is equally important that children should go to school, where he learns to be socially and important that a child should attend school, interact, where he or she learns to interact socially and absorbs knowledge.

Most of the children do not like to go to schoolinitially. If the child prepare for school spirit suddenly without him to put the change in environment from home to school to face, he is strongly resisted, and he can develop lasting repellent effect on the school. There are parents who try without the psychological problems of children placed, strength analysis and to draw the child to the school day with a hope that he will one day go to school much. But very often it is wrong. It can make a negative on the child inDevelopment of his spiritual growth. Children should never be introduced to the things in the process of developing his mental capability force. Right from infants to adolescents each activity of the child should never be introduced to the things in the process of developing his mental capability force. Right from infants to adolescents each activity of the child should be entertaining and a fun game. Application of pressure or violence should be avoided as much as possible. The main reason to go to the reluctance of the childSchool is due to sudden change of home environment into a strange new school. Bearing this in mind, parents should prepare the child to a new environment like the school-to-face. If this area is properly and carefully designed as a pre-school preparation, then the child will be looking forward to her the day on which he or she starts going to school.

To create a school atmosphere in the house, either in the room or a corner of a room as a proto-typeTeaching by the arrangement of a small desk and chair. School is for children not just a place to study, plays an important curriculum, and to cooperate with a desk and chair and keep dolls and other attractive products for the game. The class rooms of the child in the house is well stacked with colorful books, toys, games, pencils, paper, pens, brushes and paints, plaster, like a tone for the production of articles, audio and video cassettes, etc. This type provided child a sense ofschool climate, which is full of fun and joy.

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