Saturday, May 29, 2010

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トラベルキャリアズ トレーニング & Travel Careers & Training 20 年 以上 の 歴史 を 持つ エアライン, 国際 キャビンアテンダント (CA), トラベル & ツーリズム の 専門 学校.ニュージーランド で 始め て の 私立 旅行 学校 と して ニュージーランド 観光 業界 で は 非常 に 名誉 な ツーリズムアウォード を 今 まで に 3 度 も 受賞 し て おり, いる その 実績 は 業界 に も 認め られ て.オークランド の キャンパス は 市内 中心 地 に 程 近い 便利 な 場所 に あり, 生活 は ニュージーランド で は 唯一 の ボーイング747 の 客室 乗務 員 訓練 所 も 完備 し て おり, 質 の 高い 実技 訓練 が 行わ れ, 海外 研修 を 含め て 実践 的 な 教育 カリキュラム が 組ま れ て いる.また, 学生 の トレーニング だけ で はなく, 旅行 業界 の リクルート 会社 として の 働き も し て おり, 数 多く の 学生 を 旅行 業界 に 紹介 する こと が でき, この 学校 の 卒業生 の 95% は 就職 できる という 高い 就職率 も 誇っ て いる.主 な 就職 先 は, 各 エアライン, 旅行 会 社, 有名 ホテル - など 旅行 業界 一般.また 学生 は, 自動的 に Club TCT の なり メンバー と, 求職 リスト に 入る.また 就職 の 為 の アドバイス や 面接 の テクニック 講座 も 受ける こと が できる.この 学校 は, まだ 日本人 学生 が 少ない の が 最大 の セールスポイント かも しれない.専門 分野 の 勉強 に なる ので, ある程度 の 英語 力 は 求め られる が, 語学 学校 と の 併用 で 夢 の 国際 就職 に 一 歩 近づける かも. Hi I'm Gina from New Zealand Life Tours. Today we are traveling and career training. This is a flight attendant and tourism school. The employment rate for university graduates is 94 percent. Here are photos of the graduates. They workin different places. Disney USA, Emirates, etc., they really work all over the world. Let's have a look in the classrooms. Of ...

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Friday, May 28, 2010

Cell Phones and Brain Cancer? Devra L. Davis, PhD, MPH Designated National Book Award finalist, when smoke Ran Like Water (2002, Basic Books), Devra Davis is director of the world's first Center for Environmental Oncology at the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute and professor of epidemiology at the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health. Her latest book, The Secret History of the War on Cancer, was a top pick by Newsweek and is used at major schools ofpublic health, including Harvard, Emory and Tulane University. The multidisciplinary Center for Environmental Oncology includes experts in medicine, basic research, engineering and public policy, develop the most advanced studies is to identify the causes of cancer and propose policies to reduce the risks of disease.Dr. Davis' career all fields of science, public policy has spanned, and scientific research. President Clinton appointed the Honorable Dr. Davis to the newly establishedChemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board technology (1994-99) an independent agency that investigates executive, prevents and mitigates chemical accidents. As a former Senior Advisor to the Assistant Secretary for Health in the Department of Health and Human Services, she has counseled leading officials in the United States, the United Nations, the World Health Organization and the World Bank. She also served as lead author of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change group is given theNobel ...

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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Growing Green Kids

The Internet is a wonderful place and a powerful tool for today's society, to teach children about the environment. There is no doubt that the early influences can have a lifetime of concern and participation in the life of this man sparks. In today's schools and youth organizations, there are programs that deal with recycling, environment and health, litter and other environmental programs. Younger children and art classes free to use materials that were formally considered waste.> Schools, day care centers, kindergartens, nursery classes and other children's institutions often associated to accept that it objects children can turn into projects for the trades.

For example, wrapping the old wallpaper or wrapping paper rolls can be donated for children to use as a drawing or kraft paper. Boxes, bags, buttons, postcards, wrapping and ribbons, tiles and many other products may be out for art and craft supplies.To use what they have for us, just enterthe supervisor, teacher or coach a call.

Egg cartons make for excellent craft supplies, and can be turned craft to create for young people, including a wide range of errors that native to your area and at the same time turning the afternoon into an educational lesson in ecology and environment in all sorts of things. Craft paper, scrap paper from your office trash can also be useful, youth groups, as they use the clean side of the paper for drawing. Speaking of paper,Newspapers can not consume the roles of newspaper on their machines before the end of the role - as such they always have some rolls of newsprint. These long strips of paper are a fantastic resource. Journals, including those seized can be used in crafts.

The best thing to do, call your local school, day care, recreation center or youth groups to find out what they could be interested in receiving. Once you are armed with this information, it iseasier to sort and store your "donations" in boxes or bags until you make the trip to drop her off.

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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Workers of the World Relax - The Buliwag Collective

This is a short documentary clip about an autonomous center with its illiteracy, guerillia Gardening, Food not Bombs projects. They are also used to describe the political persecution of activists in the Philippines. Authorities are torture, killings and kidnappings are involved. The activists are pleased with all the support material (books, magazines, DVDs, DV camera) or financial support, which you can give them happy.

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Monday, May 24, 2010


Despite the H1N1 turned out to be pretty tame, mandated H1N1 flue shots are on the way for American citizens. For real. __________________________ Judge Halts Flu Vaccine Mandate For Health Workers New York Health Care Employees Won't Be Forced To Get H1N1 Vaccine...For Now!! NEW YORK (CBS) ― A vile of Panvax H1N1 Vaccine is displayed during the launch of the National pandemic (swine flu) influenza vaccination campaign by the Minister for Health and Aging Nicola Roxon at Swan Park Leisure Center on September 30, 2009 in Perth, Australia. Four Isiah Harris receives an H1N1 influenza vaccine at Rush University Medical Center on Oct. 6, 2009, in Chicago, Ill. Nasal spray doses of the H1N1/swine flu vaccine are shown at Montefiore Medical Center on Oct. 6, 2009, in the Doses of H1N1 influenza vaccine sit in a basket at Rush University Medical Center on Oct. 6, 2009, in Chicago, Ill. Scott Olson/Getty Images CBS Flu Vaccinations Underway For NYC Children (10/6/2009) Students At 6 NYC Schools Receive Flu Vaccine (10/5/2009) Health Workers Resistant To H1N1 Vaccine Mandate (10/5/2009) Poll: Third Of Parents Oppose H1N1 Vaccine (10/8/2009) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Health care workers in New York will no longer be forced to get the H1N1 swine flu vaccine, CBS 2 has learned. A state Supreme Court judge issued a restraining order Friday against the state from enforcing the controversial mandatory vaccination. The order came as the Public Employees Federation sued to reverse ...

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Sunday, May 23, 2010

Nazanin on Human Rights in Iran

CNN. 21st September 2008 A human rights activist and former beauty queen talks to CNN's Asiah Namdar about protesting child executions in Iran. OOO OOO OOO Nazanin Afshin-Jam is an international human rights activist, singer / songwriter, actor, model, former Miss World Canada and president and co-founder of Stop Child Executions organization. She was born in Tehran in 1979, later at the height of the Islamic Revolution of Iran and one year her family was born forced to flee to their apolitical father wasarrested and tortured at the hands of fundamentalists. Nazanin community service began at a young age. She was heavily involved in school life, co-founder of Global Issues Club at her high school and received the highest award schools. It was a pilot, licensed both airplanes and gliders, and reached the highest rank in the Royal Canadian Air Cadets fly as Warrant Officer First Class. After graduating with a double-major degree in International Relations and Political Sciencethe University of British Columbia with the replacement of International Study Centre at Herstmonceux Castle in England and lInstitut dEtudes Politiques de Paris in France, was Nazanin an advocate of volunteerism as a Global Youth Educator with the Red Cross teaching on topics ranging from the Landmine Crisis war-affected children, the poverty-disease cycle and natural disasters. Nazanin searched for a way to a stronger voice in order to gain widespread awareness of the masses. After learning the...

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Thursday, May 20, 2010

School Earthquake Competition

San Diego, CA, March 26, 2007 -- Sixth-grade students from Carmel Del Mar Elementary School shrieked with unabashed amazement about 2 pm Tuesday at a UC San Diego earthquake-safety research complex eight miles east of campus. All but one of the seven-story buildings constructed by 20 teams of students in their classrooms toppled during Tuesday's quake test, with K'NEX rods, connectors, and building parts scattered across the surface of UCSD's largest shake table. The noisy learning experience was part of a unique earthquake-safety competition organized by Philip Yu, a graduate student in the Jacobs School of Engineering's structural engineering department, and involved more than 1100 fifth- and sixth-grade students from schools in Escondido and Del Mar. UCSD faculty also helped, as did scientists with the National Science Foundation, the federal agency that funded the construction of the shake facility at the Englekirk Structural Engineering Center.

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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Back to School Safety 2009-2010

As we pack our K-12 kids up and get them ready for another school year, we need to be constantly thinking about their safety. This applies both to their travel to and from school and their safety while on school grounds.

Parent drivers must remain watchful. Children dart unexpectedly into traffic, often from between parked cars. And young pedestrians face a variety of dangers while walking to and from school. Here are a few basic safety tips to follow:

• Mind all traffic signals and the crossing guard.

• Walk your bike through intersections.

• Walk with a buddy.

• Wear reflective material. It makes you more visible to street traffic.

The US Dep't. of Transportation's National Highway Traffic Safety Administration suggests the following safe bicycling practices:

• Always wear a helmet.

• Always ride on the right side of the road. Never ride against traffic.

• Ride single file. When passing other bikers or pedestrians, let them know your position by shouting out something like, "On your left!"

• Always check behind you before changing lanes.

• Watch out for dangerous things in the roadway. Litter, potholes, gravel and storm drains all can cause you to lose control.

• Stop at all stop signs and at all traffic lights. Be extra careful at crossroads.

• Always signal before making a left or right turn.

• Maintain control of your bike. Don't swerve or make sudden turns.

• Use caution when riding next to parked cars to avoid injury from someone suddenly opening a car door in front of you.

• Listen for cars approaching from the side or behind you.

• Don't follow a car too closely. You may be in the blind spot, where the driver cannot see you, and you may be unable to stop if the car comes to a sudden halt.

• Know your road signs and obey them.

• Always be prepared to stop.

• Wear brightly colored clothing.

• Don't wear headphones, loose clothing or inappropriate shoes.

Remember these safety tips for entering and exiting the school bus:

• Have a safe place to wait for your bus, away from traffic and the street.

• Stay away from the bus until it comes to a complete stop.

• When being dropped off, exit the bus and walk ten steps away from the bus. Also, remember that the bus driver can see you best when you are away from the bus.

• Use the handrail to enter and exit the bus.

• Be aware of street traffic. Drivers are required to follow the rules of the road concerning school buses, but not all do. Protect yourself and watch out.

You may think that riding in a car is completely safe. But there are still rules you must follow to avoid accidents when riding in a car:

• Don't forget that most traffic crashes occur close to home.

• Safety belts are the best form of protection in the event of a crash. Everyone needs to be buckled up properly: older kids in seat belts, younger kids in booster seats and toddlers in child safety seats.

The US Consumer Product Safety Commission has a "Back to School Safety Checklist" with tips on making schools, child care facilities and playgrounds safer. Hidden hazards from the checklist include the following:

Playgrounds -- Check the surfaces around equipment. There should be a 12-inch depth of wood chips, mulch, sand or pea gravel, or there should be mats made of safety-tested rubber or fiber material to prevent head injury when a child falls.

Drawstrings on jackets and sweatshirts -- Remove them from around the neck. They can cause strangulation by catching on things. Cut drawstrings at the waist or bottom of jackets to three inches.

Window blind cords -- If the windows in your home, childcare centers or schools have blinds, cut the loop and attach separate tassels to prevent entanglement.

Recalled Products -- You can get up-to-date recall and product safety information by checking out CPSC's web site on your home or school computer. Sign up to get free recall notices by fax, e-mail or regular mailing by calling CPSC's hotline or writing to CPSC, Washington, D.C. 20207.

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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Felix Sonnyboy Wilson - Play My Banjo (Zodiac Sessions)

Acoustic Compilation CD available to buy from Website. http Felix "Sonnyboy" Wilson playing "Play My Banjo" at the Zodiac Sessions which is held every Wednesday in Bruxelles Bar, Dublin. FELIX SONNYBOY WILSON World Travelling, Street Minstrel & Poet. At age 16 Felix started performing in a Chicago based sandwich company called PotBellys in Ann Arbor, MI. After graduating high school at 17 he took his mothers banjo from the wall and moved to Burlington Vermont, collecting old records and learning a few songs on the 5 string banjo. Singing at the Radio Bean in Burlington and becoming a busker on Church St. for the love of spreading old time music. At 19 after travelling down from Alaska he landed in Bellingham, Washington still busking in the streets, collecting 78 records and began working at a preschool starting a program he called: Interactive American Folk Songs for Children. That summer he went to Europe with a friend Mr. Jones where busking as a duet, singing gospel and country music they moved from Paris to Barcelona and on to Florence. Jones headed back to the US while Felix headed north to Ireland busking from Grafton St in Dublin to Shop St in Galway. After Europe he found his way back to Bellingham living on the Lummi Indian Reservation for a month, recording his first kids' album called the Leather Winged Bat. That fall he drove across the Great Northern back to Vermont for a snowy winter, where he hid in a ...

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Monday, May 17, 2010

Come Out Against Racism - Stop Racial Profiling

Stop Racial Profiling and Police Brutality! Prof. Henry Louis Gates, Jr. Was Right! The Cambridge Cops Must Apologize! Youth Need Jobs & Schools - Not Jails! Demand a Justice Department Investigation of Racial Profiling Across the US Wednesday, July 29 Rally, Press Conference, Police Review and Advisory Board Special Meeting Cambridge City Hall, Sullivan Chamber 795 Mass. Ave., Cambridge (one block from Central Square Red Line T) The arrest of Prof. Henry Louis Gates, Jr. by a Cambridge police officer after showing two forms of identification after he, along with a Black limo driver, had unjammed the lock to the front door of Gates' own house in a predominantly white, upscale neighborhood known as "Harvard Square" has brought the struggle against racism to the front pages of newspapers throughout the US and around the world. The Cambridge Police Department and their racist allies have worked overtime to slander and vilify Prof. Gates. But his only crime was in fact to resist the racist arrogance of the Cambridge Police and not acquiesce to their racist and unjust treatment of him. The torrent of racist vitriol targeting Prof. Gates as well as the absolute racist arrogance displayed by the Cambridge Police Department in demanding that Pres. Obama and Gov. Patrick apologize for expressing support for Prof. Gates, cannot go unanswered! It is time for all poor and working people, and particularly whites, to come out against these racist attacks and stand foursquare in 100 ...

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Sunday, May 16, 2010

Gaining Catfish Aquaculture Skills (ITEST Mississippi)

Catfish Environmental Monitoring (CEMO), a collaboration between Mississippi Valley State University and Scotland Fisheries, is a program designed to integrate experientially-based STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) learning into the high school curriculum of 13 rural Mississippi Delta schools. This Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST) project is funded by the National Science Foundation and supported by the Learning Resource Center at EDC, see more on ITEST at

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Saturday, May 15, 2010

Founded in 1999, Common Vision is a solution-focused nonprofit organization, a project of International Humanities Center. Common Vision's mission is to cultivate ecological awareness and respect for the Earth while generating social and environmental changes towards sustainable lifestyles. We integrate concepts of ecology with the traditions, music, and art of cultures that live or have lived in harmony with the Earth. This spring Common Vision will run its fourth annual Fruit Tree Tour, a 20-city, 70-day tour planting over 1000 fruit trees at urban California schools from San Diego to Sacremento. Traveling in veggie oil-powered caravan, 25-earth educators from Common Vision teach students about sustainable ecology through a day-long program that includes West African agricultural drumming and earth-conscious hip-hop. The goal of this annual tour is to develop working relationships with teachers and administrators to integrate sustainability into schools' curricula and landscapes, turning barren schoolyards into future food forests. Please visit us online at

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Friday, May 14, 2010

10 Great Places to Go to When You Visit Austria

Austria is one of the countries in Europe having a rich and dramatic history, and its landscapes are dotted with historical landmarks such as medieval fortresses, castles, churches, etc. Moreover, Austria is also home to many great people from composers to military leaders, from poets to musicians. Because of this, you can indeed expect a fantastic vacation should you go and visit this place, so here are ten great places to go to in Austria:

1.) Hofburg Imperial Palace

The Hofburg Imperial Palace was built during the late 13th century and still stands today as a testament to the power and wealth of this mighty political family. In this palace, you will find the offices of the President of Austria, the countries international convention center, the famous Spanish Riding School and its Lipizzan stallions. There are also museums that are open to the public.

2.) Grossglockner Alpine Road

The Grossglockner alpine road is one of the most visited alpine roads in the continent. It ends in the highest mountain in Austria where its largest glacier is also located. In fact, since the mid 1930's, this famous road has been visited by over 50 million people eager to see its spectacular views.

3.) Carnutinum Archaeological Museum

Carnutinum was once the most important of Roman towns in the Alps. It was founded sometime during the 6th century AD and has seen about 5000 inhabitants under the Roman Empire. Today, this town houses the largest collection of Roman artifacts ranging from Roman jewelry, roman arms and coins, landmarks such as amphitheatres and baths as well as other religious objects from the Roman religion of Mithras worship.

4.) Eisriesenwelt Caves

The Eisriesenwelt caves showcase extraordinary rock and ice formations, majestic towers and columns and even an underground glacier and waterfall. It was discovered sometime during the late 1870's by Anton Posselt and since then has attracted thousands of tourists from all around the world. Today, it is considered as one of the largest ice cave in the world.

5.) Graz

The Graz is perhaps the most famous center for culture, architecture and art. In fact, it was been recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site because of the historical value of the place. Here, tourists will also get to experience the vibrant nightlife that Gratz is well known for.

6.) Salzburg

Salzburg is well known for its number of churches. In fact, it is also named as the Rome of the North because of this. Aside from this, Salzburg is also known for its old streets, festivals, the Mirabell Palace, the hohensalzburg Fortress and the Mozarteum.

7.) Innsbruck

Innsbruck is well known as a vacation destination in winter. This is because the place is situated between two imposing mountainsides ideal for winter sports such as snowboarding and skiing. Not only that, Innsbruck is also a popular tourist destination even in the summer months because it is ideal for mountaineering and ecotours.

8.) Vienna

Vienna is one of the greatest and most historic cities in Western Europe. It is birthplace of Austria's most famous rulers and some of the most famous composers of classical music. Vienna also boasts of such tourist destinations as St Stephen's Cathedral and Vienna Woods.

9.) The Museum of the Future

The Museum of the Future is called the Ars Electronica. This museum is also well known for its stunning collection of modern technology. As such, this has become a tourist spot.

10.) Hohe Tauern National Park

One of the last natural wilderness areas in Europe, this park is well known for its flora and fauna. Here you will see animals such as Mountain goats, ibex, chamois, a wide variety of birds, sheep, etc. You also get to enjoy nature at its finest with your loved ones.

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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Lichen Planus

Less than two percent of the general population suffers from oral lichen planus, an uncomfortable and chronic condition characterized by lesions that form in the mouth and skin. Its not unusual for lichen planus sufferers to know no one else with the disease. Thats one reason for the popularity of Texas A&M Health Science Center Baylor College of Dentistrys online International Oral Lichen Planus Support Group, a web-based support group that brings together sufferers from throughout the world. The on-line organization serves as a resource for patients, family members and practitioners. The site also features periodic live online discussions that link lichen planus sufferers with faculty in HSC-BCDs Stomatology Center and guest faculty from other dental schools around the world.

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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Jonathan Kozol: Education in America (3 of 6) Jonathan Kozol is a non-fiction writer, educator and activist, known for his books on public education in the United States. Kozol graduated from Noble and Greenough School in 1954, and Harvard University summa cum laude in 1958 with a degree in English literature. He was a Rhodes scholarship to Magdalen College, Oxford awarded. He did not go his entire Rhodes decide instead to Paris to write a novel. He spent four years there is only writing of his publishedWork of fiction, the smoke of Poppies, and getting to know people like William Styron know. It was after his return that he began tutoring to the children in Roxbury, MA, and soon became a teacher in the Boston Public Schools. He was fired for teaching a Langston Hughes poem, as described in Death at an early age, and was deeply involved in the civil rights movement. After he fired from BPS a job for Newton Public Schools, the school district that he had participated as a teaching offeredChild taught, and there deep in front for several years, more involved in social justice work and devote more time to write. Kozol since held two Guggenheim Fellowships, has two scholarship from the Rockefeller Foundation and has also received fellowships from the Field and Ford Foundations. Kozol has also worked in the field of social psychology. Kozol is currently on the Editorial Board of Greater Good Magazine, of the Greater Good Science Center of the publishedUniversity ...

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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Blackboard K12 - Professional Development

Learn how schools across the country are carried out with the Blackboard platform to the professional development in their schools and districts

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Monday, May 10, 2010

Constructing the Centroid of a Triangle

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Saturday, May 8, 2010

Nursing Programs - Its All Online - Programs Meant For Record Nurses

Record nurses in short form "RN" that they need to search a method to get degree of a Bachelor of Science Nursing degree (BSN); it can get a perfect result as soon as they see hooked on online 'Nursing Programs'. All these plans are normally planned to athletic into their timetable, capture little time to finish up as well as its charges are inexpensive as compared to college or university grounds nursing programs.

Those who are functioning grown-up or mature nurses managing together nursing as well as family unit obligation that they require to obtain a method for the purpose of obtaining a valuable degree course such as "BSN" that is Bachelor of Science in Nursing want to appear into online nursing programs. Planned specially in favor of functioning mature nurses, record nurses are able to get completely qualified 'Nursing Programs' through online. All These programs are not costly, and its process requires little moment, also they can athletic into their plan.

The forthcoming of mature meant for Online 'Nursing Programs' - it all perform in this way where the nurses can able to get the university revision of their grade online by not forever walking bottom in a classroom or it's a place nursing programs will be educated. They can even get the medical or health check up lessons of their level normally. They can also receive an entirely attributed or qualified nursing grades or levels in their personal timetable or plan daily basis. They are able to obtain lessons or courses at every moment or occasion moreover everywhere the process of an online link is possibly obtainable. Moreover whereas this extraordinary chance is motionless to some extent a surreptitious, they are able to be present at nursing education center more or less without delay or directly as lessons or courses initiate or begin all the way through the year as well as it does not contains for the future registers.

By using this kind of nursing programs try to accumulate approximately 20%-30% of their educational center timings -- once they presents or concentrates fully an online educational system, they are able to present their courses or lessons on their timetable, they can attend once in a day or else even a week. Through that type of expediency of fitness they are not require to struggle travel in order to go to the educational center and come back to home, they don't have any problem regarding how to park their vehicles as well as going. Through all these programs they are not having any trouble for the purpose of depart their employment sooner otherwise managing era dedication that they are able to compose presenting school traumatic. Among its entire better they can nicely present lessons and courses at nighttime, for the period of the weekend, in the early hours of sunup. They know how to appraisal instruct or teacher more for a second time, whenever they need to have. Basically by the way of presenting or concentrating lessons or courses through online they are able to accumulate regarding 20-30% of their daily basis merely since they does not comprise to forcibly be present in the education area.

The following are advantages by using Online Nursing Programs of record nurses and Bachelor of Science Nursing

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4. It can also accumulate era. By using online programs they can accumulate approximately 20-30% of their period via presenting or concentrating an online nursing institute.

5. Can easily obtain a grade from a high-status education center

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Friday, May 7, 2010

Ariens Technology and Engineering Education Center | Blueprint: Designing Wisconsin's Future

Ariens Company has partnered with Brillion High School to create a state-of-the-art learning center where students work on diverse projects such as high-mileage vehicles and hydroponics Blueprint: Designing Wisconsin's Future examines how schools, businesses, and communities are partnering to prepare students for the 21st century workplace and society. Featuring interviews with students, teachers and community supporters, Blueprint explores the effects of innovative science, technology, engineering and mathematics programs on communities throughout Wisconsin.  For more information, go to:

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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

How Do Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) Treatment Centers Treat Patients With BDD?

People suffering from body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) can receive treatment at a body dysmorphic disorder treatment center. These treatment centers generally use cognitive behavioral therapy or CBT to treat patients with BDD. Both the patient and the therapist work closely together in assessing the problem and devise concrete steps in relieving BDD symptoms.

With the help of various BDD evaluation tools, the therapist helps the patient create a detailed list of his or her symptoms. During CBT sessions, the patient is exposed to his or her fears, starting with the least anxiety-provoking items on the symptom list. The patient also has to do home assignments where he or she continues to challenge symptoms between therapy sessions.

Home assignments are aimed at helping patients to challenge and eventually overcome certain symptoms and fears that occur at home, at work, or at school. In addition, the therapist also uses short stories based on the patient's obsessions. These stories are recorded on audio and then used as add-on tools to expose the patients to their fearful thoughts. This method is especially useful for obsessions that result from situations that cannot be re-enacted, such as the tragic death of a loved one.

Therapists at body dysmorphic disorders treatment centers use these methods to attempt to control and ease their patients' discomfort when they are exposed to their fears. These treatment centers help patients willingly face their discomfort and fears without responding with compulsions, avoidance behaviors, reassurance seeking, or mental compulsions.

A structured CBT program helps patients gradually challenge all their symptoms, and learn new, more productive methods of coping with anxiety. Over time, patients become de-sensitized to previously anxiety-provoking situations and thoughts. Their obsessions and compulsions will be significantly reduced in both frequency and magnitude, or even totally eliminated.

By meeting with their therapists weekly for four to six months, patients with BDD can make dramatic improvement. Depending on the situation, some patients may also benefit by including their spouse, partner or family members in their therapy sessions to address their condition. Patients who exhibit more severe body dysmorphic disorder symptoms may require as many as three sessions per week or even home visits.

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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

K-12 Geography School Assembly Program - Earth Balloon

The Earth Balloon program takes students on an interactive journey to the center of our planet. Students enter the 22' model of our earth to learn about time zones, global warming, eco-systems, rain forests, and many other related topics. The Earth Balloon program is standards based and visits schools everywhere. Visit our website for more info -

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Monday, May 3, 2010

Science - Can You Explain to Your Children What Keeps Them Up - The Shuttle, Space Station, Moon?

Ask the above title question of anyone in this, our Age of Information, and listen to the answers. Everyone living today has been aware of space adventurism: the first flights, then orbits by Russia and the U.S.; then onward to the moon (the heart-gripping uncertainly of survival of astronauts on Apollo 13); the first steps of a human on the moon ("A giant leap for mankind"); the Space Shuttle exploits (and fiery disastrous explosions); the astonishing assembly of the complex and gigantic Space Station (cooperation between the U.S. and Russia)! Space achievements in the past half-century rank with the history-book adventures of Magellan and Columbus in probing the unknown.

Most everyone knows what gravity is, they have heard the story of Sir Isaac Newton (an apple falling from a tree), his Laws of Motion ("A body at rest will remain at rest; a body in motion will remain in motion, traveling in the same direction - in both cases, until an external force acts upon that body."). Thus, what is it that keeps such vehicles up in the sky: the orbiting Mercury and Apollo vehicles of the past, the Space Shuttle and Space Station of today? Most everyone will tentatively mumble "gravity" (perhaps hopefully - knowing that gravity is somehow involved, but uncertain as to how).

Therefore, the answer to this question: "gravity" is certainly involved (Newton and his apple) - but gravity should actually force all this orbiting hardware (also the moon) to fall to Earth! Why don't they? (If the questioner holds back any further comment until the questionees respond further; probably half will venture uncertainly, "Maybe there is no gravity in space".)

Then you say (not laughing, as the objective is to teach, not disparage), "You're correct in saying gravity is involved, however, gravity force is always active, no matter how far away from our Earth. Gravity is always pulling everything toward Earth's center, (including humans - measured by our weight on a scale). The force of gravity is an attraction between two masses - in orbiting vehicles, it is equal to the product of the masses of Earth and the object (humans, Shuttle, Space Station or moon), divided by the square of the distance between the mass centers). The key question is why these items remain in orbit about Earth; why don't they fall onto Earth? The answer is that they do - they are constantly falling to Earth - they are constantly falling to Earth, but are also traveling so fast around Earth, that gravity is pulling them into an orbit about Earth. In actual fact, space vehicles in orbit (and the moon) are attempting to travel in a straight line, however Earth's gravity pulls them into a circular (or elliptical) orbital path.

To be precise, to put the Space Shuttle or any vehicle into orbit, it must be rocketed with such horizontal speed that the constant pull of gravity forces it into an Earth orbit. Thus, to achieve orbit, the Space Shuttle has to be accelerated and propelled to a horizontal speed of about 18,000 miles per hour - to reach the required velocity for a near-Earth orbit at somewhere over a hundred miles altitude. The faster the speed, the higher the orbit. Since the orbit altitude is much higher than the Earth's atmosphere (air molecules are also affected by gravity), the orbiting vehicles travel in the vacuum of outer space - thus, there is no "drag" force - once the horizontal speed and altitude are in "sync". Therefore, the orbiting vehicle (Mercury, Apollo, Shuttle or moon) will continue to coast along in their orbiting journeys about Earth.

A critical next question: once achieving such high velocity and orbit, how did these vehicles make it back to Earth safely - considering the fiery paths of meteorites plowing through Earth's atmosphere from outer space? How did the space scientists (NASA et al) achieve safe reentry for Astronauts on Mercury, Apollo and the Space Shuttle?

It is April 12, 1981, the Space Shuttle is on the launching pad at Cape Kennedy after nine years and billions of dollars spent in innovative technologies. A top technical management team of cognizant Engineering managers of all major systems and subsystems - from both NASA and major subcontractors - has been designated and assembled to witness the launch, purpose: so that immediate technical decisions can be made, should any emergency arise. We have been placed as close to the launch site as is considered safe - if an explosion occurs during launch or early lift-off (about three miles) - to visually witness the first moments. We are seated on a rising array of wooden benches as if at a high school athletic field.

Everyone is quiet, apprehensive, each aware of what could go wrong in his (or her) technical area; greeting each other with solemn nods. Only recently, many had participated in an exhaustive briefing to top NASA officials at the final Flight Readiness Review conference - as to the possibilities, probabilities and consequences of failure in any area. Everyone speaks in hushed tones. Three miles away, powerful flood-lights show the Shuttle assembly standing vertically on the launch pad, the Orbiter (astronaut-carrying vehicle), the large center fuel tank and the two solid boosters - all a brilliant white under the concentration of flood-lights, limned against the dark, morning sky.

There is a hush, then the calm, emotionless voice of the NASA announcer counts down the seconds, then, "Lift-off, we have a lift-off!" A thrill of excitement ripples through the crowd. Slowly, the Shuttle assembly rises; all hold their breaths as fingers of fire emanate from the three powerful engines and the solid rocket boosters. The brilliant exhausts gradually lengthen as the Shuttle slowly rises - then the flames lift clear of the launch pad - then the vehicle climbs, gradually increasing speed and diminishing in size - until it is tiny, high in the sky and leveling off. It then rapidly accelerates, growing smaller and smaller until it is out of sight. A cheer resounds, as everyone rises and yells, excitedly pounding each other's back, on everyone's face, a broad smile. Gradually many sit down again, breathing deep breaths.

NASA personnel begin shepherding everyone into the buses, to be taken to Control Center for more congratulations; to watch for awhile on the computer screens; to relax with coffee and sweet-rolls; then to be briefed by NASA regarding the flight to California and Edwards Air Force Base - for the next challenge and uncertainty, a safe re-entry and landing.

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Sunday, May 2, 2010

Dr. Davis talks about Aspartame Devra L. Davis, PhD, MPH Designated a National Book Award Finalist for When Smoke Ran Like Water (2002, Basic Books), Devra Davis is Director of the world's first Center for Environmental Oncology at the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute and Professor of Epidemiology at the University of Pittsburgh's Graduate School of Public Health. Her recent book, The Secret History of the War on Cancer, was a top pick by Newsweek and is being used at major schools of public health, including Harvard, Emory, and Tulane University. The multidisciplinary Center for Environmental Oncology includes experts in medicine, basic research, engineering and public policy, who will develop cutting-edge studies to identify the causes of cancer and propose policies to reduce the risks of the disease.Dr. Davis's career has spanned all areas of academia, public policy, and scientific research. President Clinton appointed the Honorable Dr. Davis to the newly established Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board, (1994-99) an independent executive branch agency that investigates, prevents, and mitigates chemical accidents. As the former Senior Advisor to the Assistant Secretary for Health in the Department of Health and Human Services, she has counseled leading officials in the United States, United Nations, World Health Organization, and World Bank. She also served as a Lead Author of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change—the group awarded the Nobel ...

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