Wednesday, May 5, 2010

How Do Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) Treatment Centers Treat Patients With BDD?

People suffering from body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) can receive treatment at a body dysmorphic disorder treatment center. These treatment centers generally use cognitive behavioral therapy or CBT to treat patients with BDD. Both the patient and the therapist work closely together in assessing the problem and devise concrete steps in relieving BDD symptoms.

With the help of various BDD evaluation tools, the therapist helps the patient create a detailed list of his or her symptoms. During CBT sessions, the patient is exposed to his or her fears, starting with the least anxiety-provoking items on the symptom list. The patient also has to do home assignments where he or she continues to challenge symptoms between therapy sessions.

Home assignments are aimed at helping patients to challenge and eventually overcome certain symptoms and fears that occur at home, at work, or at school. In addition, the therapist also uses short stories based on the patient's obsessions. These stories are recorded on audio and then used as add-on tools to expose the patients to their fearful thoughts. This method is especially useful for obsessions that result from situations that cannot be re-enacted, such as the tragic death of a loved one.

Therapists at body dysmorphic disorders treatment centers use these methods to attempt to control and ease their patients' discomfort when they are exposed to their fears. These treatment centers help patients willingly face their discomfort and fears without responding with compulsions, avoidance behaviors, reassurance seeking, or mental compulsions.

A structured CBT program helps patients gradually challenge all their symptoms, and learn new, more productive methods of coping with anxiety. Over time, patients become de-sensitized to previously anxiety-provoking situations and thoughts. Their obsessions and compulsions will be significantly reduced in both frequency and magnitude, or even totally eliminated.

By meeting with their therapists weekly for four to six months, patients with BDD can make dramatic improvement. Depending on the situation, some patients may also benefit by including their spouse, partner or family members in their therapy sessions to address their condition. Patients who exhibit more severe body dysmorphic disorder symptoms may require as many as three sessions per week or even home visits.

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