Thursday, April 22, 2010

Candidate George Bush Giving His Stump Speech: Election 2000

Candidate Bush I think sometime in late October 2000. He flew in a brief speech at the University of Portland Chiles Center on the type, I was there, it was pretty lame. He spoke behind on schools, education, children, no child, I screamed held, "the federal government should not be involved with the schools, it is a state and local problem. Actually, what I wanted to scream, but instead I I held shut his mouth because I did not want to remove and end on theEvening news. jbranstetter04 Bush Stump Speech 2000 election "I am to preserve the peace. I want to listen to the moms and dads and grandparents, loud and clear. This is an administration that is doing everything in our power to make the world a more peaceful place be. I can no better legacy, a legacy for a better management, than to say that we think keep the peace, we retain from the war that requires a realistic view of the world. It's often a lot of pressure to to seethe world so that we like to see, not me, I will see the world as it is. And the way I see the world in the Cold War, this is a world of uncertainty. And even if the evil empire may have gone on his way, evil still exists. People, our freedoms, our successes sick sick people who want to threaten our alliances. I will not allow our nation retreating within our borders, this is too important a nation, it is too important a nation to withdraw. We...

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