Saturday, February 20, 2010

Elementary School Teachers, Counselors, and Career Education

As a teacher and consultant, you know that the elementary school is important. At primary school, your students build visions of what they want to do in their lives, what they contribute to the workforce. With your help, your students remain open to new ideas and career opportunities. How do you work with your students, do not do your students premature career choices or career preparation. For your students, the school is a time to build the awareness.

AsElementary school teachers and therapists, using training to promote self-worth, developing skills and strategies for decision making. Their activities are designed to even build the family, school, community, and career awareness. Use age-appropriate materials that meet your students' level of development. These activities bring your students to a variety of different jobs, career information, and the reasons why people work.

If you develop in the preparationage-appropriate materials, products, tests and tools you use career models such as the National Career Development Guidelines (NCDG). The National Career Development Guidelines (NCDG) have domains, objectives and indicators. Each domain is a development area. Under each domain there are goals or competencies. For each objective indicators demonstrate the knowledge and skills necessary to achieve the goal. The National Career Development Guidelines (NCDG) prepare the materials that makeappropriate for your students.

As an elementary school counselors and teachers, create individual career plans and portfolios. Individual Career Plans (ICP) --

To develop self-awareness
Identify first career goals and education plans
Increasing employability and the ability to take decisions

Individual career portfolios combine career awareness and experience that occur during the school year. In addition to individual career plans and portfolios, use aVariety of resources --

Job Fairs
Career Fairs
Community Speakers
Information Interviews
Literary works
Collages, murals
Job Shadowing
Dramatic Images

All career activities and tools to combine academic work with career pathways. Career activities serve as a basis for future skills needs. As teachers and counselors, help students build connections between academics and real-life situations. They use for trainingActivities, the importance of language arts, mathematics, social studies and science-related stress.

They show that students Language Arts many applications in the workforce:


They provide examples that show how people solve problems when they use math. Different types of mathematics include:


Learning in Social Studies, your students, as are skills needed to succeed inthe global market. In Social Studies, your students learn about --


Your students learn the importance of science to gain skills to solve problems. Show your students how applications of science are in different industries are used such as --


The links between science and real life situations to strengthen, develop and expand previously learned skills. In conclusion, as an elementaryTeachers and counselors to help you, students:

Know and appreciate themselves
Build self-esteem and confidence
Learn and apply the academic material
Identify interests and relationships between the school environment and the work force
Build science, communication, problem solving and social skills
Raising awareness of the need for future jobs Skills
View the links between learning in school, academic skills, job skills and career
See job opportunities
Seeas a contribution to the future of work force
Receive Empowerment
Build self -

As a consultant and teacher, you build self-awareness, awareness of family, school awareness, community awareness, career / work awareness, attitude development, skill development, decision-making strategies and self-esteem. Use age-appropriate materials that meet the developmental levels of students. Examples of activities include individual career plans (ICP), the individual careerPortfolios, career days, career fairs, field trips, information, interviews, reports and book library.

After completing career education activities, your students are prone to getting higher scores to academic achievement, school involvement and social skills. In addition, your students more skill, are more complex courses and higher graduation rates from high school. How do your students get older, they will achieve their visions and careersObjectives.


1. American Counseling Association, Office of Public Policy and Legislation. (2007). The effectiveness of school counseling. Alexandria, VA: Author.

2. Angel, N. Faye, Mooney, Marianne. (1996, December). Work-in-Progress: Career and Work Education for elementary students. (ED404516). Cincinnati, OH: Paper presented at the American Vocational Association Convention.

3. Benning, Cathleen; Bergt, Richard; Sausaman, Pamela. (2003, May). Improving StudentAwareness of Careers through a variety of strategies. Thesis: Action Research Project. (ED481018). Chicago, Illinois: Saint Xavier University.

4. Career-Tec. (2000). K-12 Career Awareness & Development Sequence [with attachments, Executive and Implementation Guide]. (ED450219). Springfield, IL: Author.

5. Carey, John. (2003, January). What are the expected benefits associated with the implementation of a comprehensive guidance program. Advisory Research School of Letters 1.1. Amherst, MA:Fredrickson Center for School Counseling Outcome Research.

6. Dare, Donna E.; Maddy-Bernstein, Carolyn. (1999, September). Career Guidance Resource Guide for Elementary and Middle / Junior High School teacher. (ED434216). Berkeley, CA: National Center for Research in Vocational Education.

7. DuVall, Patricia. (1995). Let's Get Serious about Career Education for Elementary Students. AACE Bonus Brief. (ED386603). Hermosa Beach, CA: AACE Bonus Brief.

8. Ediger,Marlow. (2000, July). Vocational education in primary schools. (ED442979) Opinion Papers

9. Gerver, Miriam, Shanley, Judy, O Cummings, Mindee. (2/14/02). Answer the question EMSTAC extra primary and secondary schools. Washington, DC: Technical Assistance Center (EMSTAC).

10. Hurley, Dan, Ed., Thorp, Jim, Ed. (2002, May). Decisions without Direction: Career Guidance and Decision-Making in the American youth. (ED465895). Grand Rapids, Michigan: Ferris StateUniversity Career Institute for Education and professional development.

11. Maddy-Bernstein, Carolyn; Dare, Donna E. (1997, December). Career Guidance for elementary and middle school students. Student Services Brief, v9 n1. (ED415353). Berkeley, CA: National Center for Research in Vocational Education.

12. Ohio Department of Education, Department of Vocational Education and Careers, Ohio Career Development Blueprint, Individual Career Plan, K to 5 (ED449322). ColumbusOhio, 2000

13. Splet, Howard, Stewart, Amy. (1990). Competency-Based Career Development Strategies and the National Career Development Guidelines. Information Series No. 345th (ED327739). Columbus, Ohio: ERIC Clearinghouse on Education and Training for Employment and the Ohio State University

14. U.S. Department of Education for vocational and adult education. (1994, 2004). National Career Development Guidelines (NCDG). Washington, DC: Author.

15. Williams, Jean A., Ed.(1999, January). Elementary Career Awareness Guide: A Resource for Elementary School counselors and teachers. (ED445293). Raleigh, NC: NC Department of Public Instruction, NC Job Ready.

16. Woal, S. Theodore. (1995). Career Education - The Early Years. AACE Bonus Brief. (ED386603). Hermosa Beach, CA: AACE Bonus Brief.

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