One day many years ago a young man came into the daycare center. He was in high school, had passed the center many times and always wanted to volunteer at the center. At this time we had no volunteers available, so I asked him, in a few months ago, when I confident that we would be able to it back voluntarily. This he did, and we found him a volunteer position in both our teaching.
Jorge was a very strong young man, slowlyMovement and soft spoken. To a child, he has appeared as a gentle giant. His easy-going temperament made him an ideal volunteer with an active group of two plant-year-olds. The kids immediately responded to him. And with little need for the suggestion from the staff, Jorge began on the ball with the kids on the playground and blocks to build with the children in the class. He loved talking with the children and enjoyed their antics. He was always interested in the circle time activitiesand he often brought in products that he thought the teacher is able to, you can use in the classroom.
In addition to the infinite patience and obvious love for working with children, Jorge had another very unique situation that he brought to the program. Although he had the use of his thumb, his left hand was severely mutilated and deformed now. None of us knew what that meant in the class.
Of course, the children have noticed, of course, asked the children. Jorge was verycomfortable answering his questions for young children. "Yes, I have a bad boo-boo when I was playing with fireworks. You should not do that, you know. There is now no longer hurts. You see, you want to touch it?"
Here was an honest moment between Jorge and the little children. It was filled without embarrassment. It was not scary. It was this wonderful state of total agreement that we hope to reach all of us.
Jorge, only he himself had made an unscheduled and unexpected lessonMoment. His openness, curiosity satisfied, have small children, someone who looks different, and it eliminates the anxiety that often do not know of too.
The next summer, after graduating from high school, asked Jorge to an employee as an assistant in the class. When filling out the application form, he came across the question: Are you disabled or you need special attention? He stopped and asked me how he should answer this question.
I asked him: "You think you are disabled or need special help? "He answered quickly:" No.. "Then he answered" No "on the form.
Jorge intuitively understood Need to Know "rule applied, as the work in the classroom with young children. He had answered all their questions and calm their laid. He did not elaborate on ... He gave only simple, understandable answers.
The proof of his success came one day when visiting one of the parents in the office. She had not noticed that Robert's handdeformed. He was the son mentioned it at the table the night before. "Do not worry," Mom, "he said," it does not hurt him any more. "
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