With enough planning and patience you can run your own daycare center, it's not particularly hard in running a daycare you just need to consider a few facts, if you are able to handle this kind of professional business. You must decide if this would be a long or a short term business, remember that any period of time that falls below a one year is considered as a short term business. You must also secure a daycare license from your state daycare licensing division and inquire on how to obtain your license.
Another precaution that you should immediately do after obtaining your license is to incorporate your business which can be done by consulting an attorney for legal advices. This way you can protect your personal assets if you will be faced by a lawsuit.
Also acquiring liability insurance is highly recommended. A lot of daycare providers, now have special liability insurance from insurance companies. If for some instances you searched but you can't find a reliable insurance company, try contacting local daycare providers, they would help.
You will encounter certain errors in running your daycare center during the first year. By joining a local daycare provider support group, you will be able to avoid and learn from these mistakes. It would be helpful if you would attend weekly meetings, where other daycare providers would share their ideas and advices.
To make your daycare business successful you will need a business plan. Make a list of your rules and policies. Include a copy of this when issuing a registration form to the parents. Also, document all the incidents that took place inside and outside the daycare, if the child was injured outside of the daycare you should have the parents give a full explanation about the injury and take their signatures after that keep the document and the signature in the child's file. Prepare also an attendance sheet where the parent should sign before leaving their children.
When buying toys don't forget to check if they belong to the re-call list and don't throw away any receipts of the daycare expenses and other payments including tax information. You should contact the IRS when reporting or paying of federal taxes.
You should give the parents a comfortable atmosphere when they arrive, sometimes they will give important advices in improving your daycare. You should also prepare a lesson plan for pre-school age children. Once you establish your daycare if it made a good impression on the parents, they would recommend your daycare to other parents making your business grow successfully.
See: How To Start A Daycare
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