Friday, September 17, 2010

Philadelphia Public Schools Crack Down on Violence

Philadelphia schools are not in it no more. You have to step up and crack down on violence in schools. New mandates have placed on the site, as the Philadelphia Public Schools will now handle violence or even threats of violence.

In the past, the submission has a police report against a student was left to the discretion of the principal. In a meeting between March 2007 Philadelphia schools chief Paul Vallas Executive Offices,Union representatives and the police chief Sylvester M. Johnson of Philadelphia on new strategies, like all schools now takes over the problems.

The problem came to the fore when told of the recent reports that the teachers would be attacked and head teachers were not calling the police - even if the teachers wanted them. Under this new plan, the police will be called, no matter what. The policy affects all students aged 10 and older. Students, personal injury orthreaten school staff will receive an automatic 10-day suspension. Expulsion and criminal charges are also possibilities. Students who commit a violent act and are under the age of 10 years will be considered on a case by case basis.

Some people are concerned that this new policy is too inflexible. The child advocacy group Philadelphia Citizens for Children and teenagers are among the most affected. They worry that while some situations are serious and need the police, there are probablyothers do not. Also skeptical is the formation Law Center, an advocacy group for parents and schoolchildren in Philadelphia. They are concerned that this new policy to give teachers the discretion as to whether the police brought, and would like to see more, cooperation in the decision with school leaders.

While the district seems to appreciate opinions from all over the city, it feels that it is better to err for Philadelphia schoolsthe side of caution. also want to to the arrest are to report it, a new hotline for employees and teachers, the attacks.
Other new measures adopted edition of Philadelphia in response to these schools include:

 Training in prevention and disciplinary procedures at the District dangerous nine Philadelphia schools.

a "Distinguished Educator" in these nine Philadelphia schools to support teaching placement Personnel.

 Assessment of the Philadelphia district alternative schools and their students and academic behavioral performance.

Everyone can agree that it is important for children to acts attend school without threat of violence are committed friends to them or theirs. The same goes for teachers and staff say they deserve to be able to offer their gifts and talents to work with children without fear of damage. Philadelphia schools workhard to ensure that these rights are respected.

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