Monday, May 30, 2011

The Carnival of Unidos da Tijuca Samba-School: Origins and History

In the culture of the Carnival in Brazil, samba-schools play a vital role, having established themselves as the center institution. In Rio de Janeiro, there are probably more than 100 samba-schools of different sizes. On this article, we will describe the emerge
nce of "Unidos da Tijuca Samba-School", the third oldest samba-school in Brazil. The description of Unidos da Tijuca helps the understanding of the process of conception of a typical samba-school in Brazil, since other schools went through very similar historic paths. Like most samba-school founders, Unidos da Tijuca "fathers" aimed to defend the roots of traditional Brazilian folklore as well as to fight for popular causes. Fights that were always present on their ancestors' blood and soul, suffered and purged from the cultural expression that the loved and grew: the samba. Let´s see how the story of this samba-school helps in the understanding of the samba and Carnaval culture in Brazil.

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